Monday, May 23, 2011


Congratulations to our daughter Heather...she is now a licensed driver! She passed the driving test with flying colors. We are very proud of her (we will have a photo posted soon). God has blessed her with a great job at the historic Hillbrook Inn. She is working hard finishing her sophomore year and preparing for her mission trip to China this coming July.

Mikayla is doing very well in piano. She has a good teacher and has worked very hard. She is using her talent to play in church offertories and specials. This picture is taken at her first piano recital...we are so proud of our little girl.

Our Furlough House

God so graciously provided the money for this house in beautiful, historic Charles Town, WV. It has been a big blessing to us as it is conveniently located just 45 minutes from Washington's Dulles Airport as well as a number of our supporting churches.