Monday, April 21, 2008

A Milestone

Well today marks 18 years of marriage to my wife Debby. It is hard to believe we have been married for this long. Where does the time go? We have had our ups and downs but honestly I wouldn’t trade my life. I praise God every day that God gave me a wife willing to put up with me, I don’t deserve her. It is funny to think about those early years when Debby and I used to talk about our future plans together. We would think about where would we be, 10, 15 or even 20 years into the future, I can pretty much tell you that living in Albania was not a part of the plan. God of course has a unique way of altering our plans for the betterment of His will and I am glad He did. God has given us a full and rich life together in the center of His hands; I wouldn’t want to be in any other place.

Thank you Debby for loving me…Happy Anniversary!

A True Friend

When I think of friendship, I think of something very special. I have to say I have learned many lessons over the years about relationships. Friends come and go and you soon learn that a good friend is very hard to come by. However, God has blessed us with some very dear friends and I believe we would probably do anything for each other, I am very thankful for that. But there is no friend any closer to me than the Lord Jesus Christ; He is truly a friend that sticks closer than even a brother. I teach our people here to keep your eyes on God, not on man, because failure is sure to come…we have to keep looking to Jesus for only He is a true friend.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Great Vacation – Low Budget!!

Last week while on spring break, we had the opportunity to take a very memorable trip to Macedonia and Greece. It was obvious to each other that we all needed a break, however there was a problem. With the devaluation of the dollar and the ever rising cost of goods and services, purchasing airline tickets was out of the question, so we decided to take an adventure. Here in Europe it is inexpensive to travel by way of bus or train, so we did both. We took the 8-hour bus trip to Macedonia where we visited our good missionary friends the Handal’s, we enjoyed a wonderful time of fellowship as well as visiting some of the sites. Then several days later we took a train to Thessaloniki, Greece. The money that we saved allowed us to spend several nights at a hotel near the coast and go to several of our favorite American restaurants, Applebee’s & Benningans. Of course the trip would not be complete without doing some shopping at the world famous IKEA super store. Along the way we had the opportunity to meet and talk with many different people, some Americans and some from England and Austria. This vacation was truly one of the best for the Drust family, it doesn’t take a lot of money to create memories…we will never forget it.