Monday, May 19, 2008


Building a ministry off the labor of others. There are those near us doing that very same thing. Shocking! Not really, this has happened numerous times before. It is fact, and it happens all the time on the mission field. My flesh tells me to get angry, but my heart says otherwise. God will take care of that situation, my job is to press forward. I am grateful for all God has done in our lives and ministry here in Albania. I am reminded of the verse I Cor. 15:58 "…forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord" I am thankful that the benefit of all the hard work we have invested in people is heavenly and not earthly.


One never really appreciates the use of both hands until a hand is disabled. On May 5th I was working on our balcony and I went to move a piece of metal with a jagged edge and it caught the inside of my right hand just below my fingers cutting a deep wound. The doctor came rushing to our house to sew me back together. After a great deal of pain and a number of stitches I was relieved to find out that there was no permanent nerve damage for which I am very grateful. Over these last several weeks I have been very busy with work projects and it has been a challenge to not use my right hand. However it has been amazing to see God take care of all the things that needed to be done either by the help of others or just me using my one hand. I am please to say the stitches are removed and my hand is just about back to normal, praise the Lord!