Sunday, December 28, 2008


Much work went into this years special Christmas service. Both the Tirana and the Priske churches worked together to make this day a success. The service was held at our church/ camp facility in Priske. The service was filled with a number of Christmas carols lead by myself (Mike) and Ben and Diana on guitars followed by the reading of the Christmas story by several of our young people. Right before the preaching we were able to show a beautiful video presentation of the life of Christ from the birth to the death on the cross. The background music in the video was entitled "Mary Did You Know". This was all done in translated Albanian subtitles. God not only used this video, but more importantly the preaching of God's word to speak to the many unsaved visitors attending the service. After the service we had a time of testimonies and more Christmas carols followed by delicious dinner on the grounds. Thank you for praying!

Thursday, December 18, 2008


DRUST LADIES DECORATING NIGHT - Here are some highlights!

As we reflect on this past year we are very grateful for all God has done in our lives and ministry. Christmas is an exciting time filled with visits, gatherings, giving of gifts and special Christmas services, but most importantly the celebration of the true spirit of Christmas. Jesus came to save a lost and dying world. He gave Himself as the ultimate gift, the "gift of salvation". We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a productive New Year! May God bless each of you during this wonderful time of year!
Mike Drust Family
Missionaries - Albania

Now Driving!

It is hard to believe that we have a son old enough to be driving. While in the states for my mothers funeral this past summer Ben had the opportunity to take his driving course and permit test. I thought I had gray hair before, well I guess it will only get grayer from here on out. Actually Ben is a good driver and we are very proud of him.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Over the last 7 years Albania has changed greatly. Computers are everywhere, ATM machines on every corner, new highways, these are just a few of the many improvements. But some areas of the technology sector has been slow in its progression. For example until just about 6 months ago only Dial-up e-mail and Internet was available in our area. But now we have broadband high speed and wireless Internet in our house, I still can't believe it. So now after years of having this convenience in America and other places we have finally caught up and we are really excited.


How many times have you heard someone or perhaps even your children say, "I don’t fit in"? This is certainly the challenge for missionaries and their families at a magnified level. There are times I go for weeks speaking the language, mixing with the culture and not even thinking about the fact that I am a foreigner in a strange land. Then occasionally something happens and it occurs to me that, I don’t fit in here. However, when I think about America and the times we are back in the states, nobody really knows us anymore. The friends that we had all those years ago have gone on with their lives and we are strangers to them now. Everything in America is so different, nothing is the same. Then I realize that we don’t fit in America either. Where do I fit? When I think about all that God has done in our family and ministry over the last eight years it is a definite confirmation that I fit right in the center of God’s will, there is no better place to be in the world.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Building a ministry off the labor of others. There are those near us doing that very same thing. Shocking! Not really, this has happened numerous times before. It is fact, and it happens all the time on the mission field. My flesh tells me to get angry, but my heart says otherwise. God will take care of that situation, my job is to press forward. I am grateful for all God has done in our lives and ministry here in Albania. I am reminded of the verse I Cor. 15:58 "…forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord" I am thankful that the benefit of all the hard work we have invested in people is heavenly and not earthly.


One never really appreciates the use of both hands until a hand is disabled. On May 5th I was working on our balcony and I went to move a piece of metal with a jagged edge and it caught the inside of my right hand just below my fingers cutting a deep wound. The doctor came rushing to our house to sew me back together. After a great deal of pain and a number of stitches I was relieved to find out that there was no permanent nerve damage for which I am very grateful. Over these last several weeks I have been very busy with work projects and it has been a challenge to not use my right hand. However it has been amazing to see God take care of all the things that needed to be done either by the help of others or just me using my one hand. I am please to say the stitches are removed and my hand is just about back to normal, praise the Lord!

Monday, April 21, 2008

A Milestone

Well today marks 18 years of marriage to my wife Debby. It is hard to believe we have been married for this long. Where does the time go? We have had our ups and downs but honestly I wouldn’t trade my life. I praise God every day that God gave me a wife willing to put up with me, I don’t deserve her. It is funny to think about those early years when Debby and I used to talk about our future plans together. We would think about where would we be, 10, 15 or even 20 years into the future, I can pretty much tell you that living in Albania was not a part of the plan. God of course has a unique way of altering our plans for the betterment of His will and I am glad He did. God has given us a full and rich life together in the center of His hands; I wouldn’t want to be in any other place.

Thank you Debby for loving me…Happy Anniversary!

A True Friend

When I think of friendship, I think of something very special. I have to say I have learned many lessons over the years about relationships. Friends come and go and you soon learn that a good friend is very hard to come by. However, God has blessed us with some very dear friends and I believe we would probably do anything for each other, I am very thankful for that. But there is no friend any closer to me than the Lord Jesus Christ; He is truly a friend that sticks closer than even a brother. I teach our people here to keep your eyes on God, not on man, because failure is sure to come…we have to keep looking to Jesus for only He is a true friend.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Great Vacation – Low Budget!!

Last week while on spring break, we had the opportunity to take a very memorable trip to Macedonia and Greece. It was obvious to each other that we all needed a break, however there was a problem. With the devaluation of the dollar and the ever rising cost of goods and services, purchasing airline tickets was out of the question, so we decided to take an adventure. Here in Europe it is inexpensive to travel by way of bus or train, so we did both. We took the 8-hour bus trip to Macedonia where we visited our good missionary friends the Handal’s, we enjoyed a wonderful time of fellowship as well as visiting some of the sites. Then several days later we took a train to Thessaloniki, Greece. The money that we saved allowed us to spend several nights at a hotel near the coast and go to several of our favorite American restaurants, Applebee’s & Benningans. Of course the trip would not be complete without doing some shopping at the world famous IKEA super store. Along the way we had the opportunity to meet and talk with many different people, some Americans and some from England and Austria. This vacation was truly one of the best for the Drust family, it doesn’t take a lot of money to create memories…we will never forget it.